who we are

The Insider Studio is about being on the "inside", knowing the ins-and-outs of the business, having established connections to the proper entities to get the job done well and right.

The Insider Studio consists of two main Insiders: Caroline Sain and Kat Tragos. Each have been in the kitchen cabinetry design industry for over two decades.

Caroline, a native-born Australian, gets her Insider status from her immense network of architects, interior designers and contractors with whom she has successfully completed plans since 1999. Caroline approaches each project as a unique experience driven by its own set of needs and challenges. She offers original solutions along with a high level of aesthetics to arrive at a beautiful and customized space each and every time.

Kat is a Belgian-born, French-speaking Insider who has honed her insider skills by creating smart and functional spaces since 2000. Her love-for and talent-at problem-solving, complimented by her attention to detail, make her uniquely qualified as a space-planning master. From start to finish, Kat loves to provide a positive overall experience for her clients.

Kristen, a Bay Area native, born in San Francisco, is our newest Insider. With a strong background in space-planning and design for residential and commercial spaces, she has a passion for improving function, organization and flow. She applies a puzzle-solving approach to design challenges and loves the fine details that go into creating a client’s ideal space.